
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince"

Cari and I have been going to the midnight madness celebrations since "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" was released in 2003. There is something special about being there sharing the excitement with everyone else. There is never a question as to whether or not we're going - it's a given. Yeah, we're tired the next day but it's so worth it. The closer the day and time got, the more excited I was. I re-read the book, so I'd remember more of the details I knew would be left out. And all in all, I really liked the movie. I was, however, disappointed in some of the changes that didn't seem to have a purpose. There were quite a few scenes I simply could not understand why they made the changes they did. And the major scene I had issues with is the one where the Burrow was burned down by Death Eaters - it does not exist in the book. ??? And I couldn't see the value of the scene. Was it supposed to tell the viewers who had not read the book something? I don't know. I couldn't figure it out. And how are they going to fix that for the beginning of the next book where there is a wedding at the Burrow? Magic I guess.

As always, the movie was awesome but it can't hold a candle to the book.

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