What a summer this has been! It sure started off with a bang - our Nashville trip - But then took a dive off the deep end. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that for all intents and purposes, it's over.
Went to S&B this morning. Girlfriends. It's the perfect way to start off the weekend. I love my S&B peeps. They keep my sane - or try to. Actually, I think we all try to keep each other sane. Do you know what a blessing it is to have such an awesome support group and a safe place to just be yourself? I digress - I could go on and on about my peeps and how blessed I am. It's just that I haven't made it to many Friday mornings this summer and I can really tell. I'm anxious to get back to that particular part of my routine. But back to move in day ...
Basically, it went pretty smoothly. It was a l-o-n-g day but no glitches thank goodness. Saying goodbye is always tough for me. Knowing Cari is happy, though, makes it so much easier. She was so excited to move into her very first apartment - sharing with 3 roommates is going to be challenging at times but they'll all figure out how to make it work.
By the time we left that afternoon, Cari already had most of her bedroom put together. She had Bob hopping all over those walls hanging stuff up for her. It'll be pretty cool when we go back in a few weeks to see what else she's done. I know she'll have it feeling like home in no time. :)
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