
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Your Opinion Please ...

I have been "collecting" various fibers for a summer wrap for months now. Between stash diving and find a few new ones, I have compiled the following group to use:

I'm going to use these fibers to stripe the fabric, but now need to decide on a main color to use in between each of these. So yesterday I started playing with different colors. Quite a few of these balls have some pale gold in them, so that's what I originally thought I'd like best and started with gold:

I wasn't too sure about the gold - it didn't quite look like what it did in my head (why does that happen so often?). So I then played with a cream color and it turned out like this:

Next was a light brown color:

And finally I played with a tan color fiber:

So, I'd like your opinion on which color you like the most with these fibers. Please judge by color alone since the final fiber will be more of a smooth, shiny (I hope) fiber. I swatched these based on color alone.

So leave me a comment and let me know what you think!



  1. I'm not sure - the pattern looks pretty - but I think this summer is more bright poppin' colors more so than the neutrals. Do you have any royal blues or cherry reds?

  2. I like the cream one the best...

  3. I like the cream color. I think it shows off the other colors the best.
